Seeing ALS beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge

If the summer of 2014 is remembered for anything, it’s the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge—the fundraising campaign that swept through social media and ignited a viral craze.

But it didn’t tell the full story of the disease. In “The Reality of ALS,” the latest ALS Association campaign from MMB, some of those stories are finally told. The series of films, which were cut by Charlie Johnston and Kenji Yamauchi, capture the heartbreaking yet truthful tales of those with ALS and educate others about the daily struggles that color the lives of those who have the disease.

For both editors, the project was eye-opening and humbling. “I think the real punch of the spots comes when you realize these incredibly emotional, difficult moments are, in fact, daily routine for these families. Imagining yourself with ALS is terrifying. Imagining a loved one afflicted is equally terrifying. These spots force the viewer to do both. I am grateful and humbled to have been involved in such an important campaign,” said Charlie.

Kenji repeated similar sentiments when reflecting on the project. “Working on a project like that is a mix of pride and responsibility on making sure I’m doing these people’s life and history justice.”

Watch one of the spots, “A Few Words,” above and check out the rest of the series here.